Dated 6/25/2023 BAM the clouds move now isn't that cool (i spent today setting up parallax and i fucking love it personally)
Dated 6/25/2023 BAM the clouds move now isn't that cool (i spent today setting up parallax and i fucking love it personally)
Dated 6/25/2023
WELL it's been 6 months since i've updated this website and i feel like i've become a totally different person in that timespan. my life has been going pretty well, i've just been focusing on other stuff.
expect more frequent website updates (the gallery comes next, and then some silly stuff) but for now, another substantial CSS change to make myself feel good.
i fixed the grid so it'll work way more consistently, made mobile bearable, and got a color scheme and vibe that i'm happy with for now! btw, the curlies in the icons are all by the incredible @Tripl3_D3, who is one of my favorite artists on the internet right now and also someone who i think i've accidentally converted into a curly brace artist via sheer volume of commissions. oops!
speaking of curly brace artists, i've been getting better at being one myself! i've been running a daily curly brace blog for the past 44 days (as of time of writing) and counting! it's helped me grow a lot as an artist and it's been really fun. a nice way to engage with the cave story community a little (even if it's only a handful) especially 'cause i don't find myself talking in the discord servers very much. i'd like to, though
go check it out if you'd like! aside from that, my life's gotten more exciting in ways i don't want to talk about all over the internet but it's very joyous and good so don't worry about it. also goodbye!
Dated 12/16/2022
i WAS going to wait a little longer and do a bigger update but instead I just decided yeah fuck it and made things a little prettier. i'm particularly fond of how the glass looks now! also we have a new font and it's used everywhere. a lot of styles have been cleaned up and made more universally applicable, too. now I can re-use the styles for the buttons and the articles without having to re-write anything except for class names. can you believe it took me this long to figure out that you can apply multiple css classes to a single guy?? fucked up
you may have noticed that I used proper capitalization once for my 3/4ths of my first post and then never again. because I don't like sounding formal, lowercase + punctuation is my default and since this is a website for Me before all else, I figured "why not" and now we're here.
the next time i update things, there'll probably be a gallery page to go along with it, or at least ONE of the pages on that sidebar over there. maybe About Me. I always find it hard to write very much about myself directly. it's a lot easier to write out thoughts in a list maybe even as they happen which is what I'm doing right now.
I'm going to stop procrastinating and practice drawing now, byee
Dated 12/15/2022
BUTTONS BITCH im so happy about this. i will continue my quest to make everything look skeueoeomorphic or i will die. also next update there will be new pages with actual content. i promise!
it's been really fun working on this site so far, and I'm really excited to actually get down to stuff. see you soonish! oh and i know this background is like atrocious but it will not last
in addition, as i am writing this, i just figured out how to not re-write the same background code 50 times and i feel at peace. nature has healed
Dated 11/26/2022
new update! the sidebar turns into a navbar on mobile, things are round, scroll bars, image fixed, that's it thanks for watching
Dated 11/24/2022
Hi! Welcome to curlybrace.neocities.org!
This is a personal site I've been putting off developing for a long, long while now, but I'm glad to finally get around to it.
There's not much here yet, but there will be! Check my to-do list if you'd like and check back every once-in-a-while to see how things develop.
One of the planned features is a blog, of which this would count as the first post. So I'll introduce myself here!
My name's RadicalDadical, but I just go by Rad. I'm very passionate about video games and incredibly amateur internet archival. I'm also an aspiring artist, kind of an aspiring voice actor, also kind of an aspiring game developer and several other aspired-to things that change on a monthly basis. I just chase after whatever I'm interested in and see where it takes me.
Given how much I like old internet stuff AND shameless revivals of said old internet stuff, making a NeoCities site has basically been my destiny since the day I was born.
Most of the blogposts here will revolve around stuff I'm investing myself in, learning, or unsolicited brain thoughts directly from my twisted head.
this is like showing someone around a house that's still being built. i think that's it. See you next whenever everyone